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   The Sloth
By Zane Baker

On a mostly wonderful day sloth set out to do something other than sleeping, he wanted to enter a contest to see who could climb to the top of the great tree the fastest.There were 5 contestants and #1 was a bear, #2 was an another bear, #3 was a squirrel, #4 is a sloth, and #5 was a snail who didn't finish. Anyway, it was being held again! He wanted to enter so bad, but he had hockey at the same time. so he asked the coach and he said he needed him to be in goal. In the sloth league, he was the best goalie.So he decided to do it next year sadly. the next year it was canceled due to rain delays so he asked the contestants from last year to do it and they said yes. They gathered up at the big tree and put out posters. almost the entire town came to watch the epic race.It was going to be epic. the tree is 1,200 feet high. So he had to pace himself. It was almost time to start, he saw the race official about to fire a blank. sloth looked up if he fell it was a long way down he thought as he propped himself on the tree. his heart was racing, his head was pounding  

“the guy said are you sure you’re ready ok. 3  2  1 go!”

he climbed and climbed the bear was climbing as fast as possible. so was everyone else. sloth knew everyone would be tired except him. Then after a long time, he eventually saw the top. But because they had gone so fast at the start, everybody was tired and he pulled ahead and won the race. When he looked down at how far he had climbed he became so proud of himself! When the guy gave him the trophy he almost burst with excitement!  THE END!

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