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The bobby chronicles


The escape from

  the mines

By Zane baker














Deep in space, it’s a beautiful day on planet Gallimus (Ga-lee-mus)...He thought: too bad I’m a slave. I became a slave when about 700 years ago the Mouhs invaded my planet and turned my whole civilization into slaves.  I know that sounds like a long time, but I am immortal, so it isn’t very long. Well, technically, I’m not immortal... I’m like that Peter Guy that had a pan... where he won't grow up and stuff.




I better tell you about my planet. It has four different parts: the forests, hills , deserts, and the swamps. There is also a big sea. Here’s a map so I can show you.                                                                    

As you have probably have figured out, my planet is huge! Well, I can’t tell you more because the stupid Mouh guards say I need to go work in the mine. So bye for now.



             One month Later...

                             (or 72 earth days)


Hey, I’m back. I am going to tell you a little bit about my tribe. I am a Bobby. I look like a box with eyes. You're probably wondering what I got this medal for... well, have I got a story for you.




It all started when the mouh guards hassled me down into the mines like they normally do, but on that day, I did not fight back. That day was special.

“I’m breaking out,” I thought out loud. But as I was walking down the tunnel... RUMBLE! RUMBLE! RUMBLE! The caves were collapsing all around me! Just as I thought there was no hope left, I heard a faint voice.  

“Come with me I know a way out!” So I followed the voice to another Bobby.

Just as I was getting close to him, he started running away.  I started running after him--he was really fast.  I was about to give up when I saw a faint crack of light coming from the wall.  I squeezed through the crack, and just as I got out the cave it collapsed behind me. I looked around and found the other Bobby hiding behind a Qat.    



The Bobby jumped up and hugged me and yelled, “YOU MADE IT!  I’m so glad to meet you.  My name is Kiwi. I’ve been watching you ever since you tried to escape in the Hawk Ship. I’ll learn about that in a different story.  

Suddenly, five Mouth's jumped out and threw a net on us.  One Mouh said, “So YOU did it!”  


(Find out what happens next in the sequel in Book Two: Desert of Doom.)

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